Strange People, Queer Notions-Jack Vance mystery novel, book review

Strange People, Queer Notions-Jack Vance mystery novel

AKA: Strange Notions

Strange People, Queer Notions is a mystery novel that was written in 1957 but not published until 1985.  This one of two mystery novel was written under the name “Jack Vance.”  (Dark Ocean is the other.)  The other 12 of his mystery novels used John Holbrook Vance, his full real name, or the pseudonym Ellery Queen, Peter Held or Alan Wade.  Strange People, Queer Notions is a rework of an unpublished lost Vance piece titled “Courage My Strange Child” and is a variant of his novel Strange Notions that was initially published in 1985.  It is now back in print in an excellent Spatterlight Press, 200 page, paperback edition. 

"Chuck" (Clarence) Musgrave is an American artist, specializing in sepia sketches who, while in Rome, meets another American, an unusual man named Kex.  After seeing him drawing, Kex talks with Musgrave and then offers him a commission to draw charcoal sketches of the small picturesque village of Positano, Italy, located south of Naples.  If he accepts, Musgrave may stay for free at Kex's flat in Positano.  He will also pay him ten thousand lire a day with a ten day advance payment.  One stipulation, however, is that Musgrave must visit the Positano post office every day and ask for the mail that is under the name of James Hilfstone.  Kex suggests that it would be easier if Musgrave simply told the postal employees that he is Hilfstone.  "In fact, while you're at Positano, you might just use the name James Hilfstone; you'll simplify things a good deal."  Kex also asks him to tell no one that he is an artist who has been hired to sketch the village.  Kex says he will arrive about four days later and writes the name of his flat on a piece of paper.  After Kex leaves Musgrave looks at the paper and notices on the back that there is a list of the names of ten people.

Prior to leaving, Musgrave makes several inquires about Kex and learns that he is a very liberal American gentleman who is also gay.  Musgrave then has a comical encounter with the Italian Tourist Bureau where "Glass windows protect six arrogant young clerks from the vulgar public."  After much difficulty he obtains directions on how to travel to Positano and is on his way.  At the first stop in Positano one of the passengers to exit is a young woman who notices Musgrave, does a double take and then stands in the road staring at him while he continues on to the next stop.  Musgrave feels "uneasy intimations that things were not altogether as they seemed."

Musgrave enters into a conversation with one of the men who exits the bus with him and is told that Kex is quite a character and, "He's got the damnedest faculty for stirring up devilment, more than any man I've ever seen."  He continues to meet other residents who describe Kex as eccentric.  His apartment, for example, is modelled after the former King of Egypt's bedroom suite.  When talking with a group of locals Musgrave, who was asked by Kex not to disclose the real reason he is there, jokes that he came to Positano to be James Hilfstone.  None of the group knows who person this is, but Musgrave soon finds himself being stared at by a young man (Freddy) who calls him derogatory names and asks him who the hell he is.  One of the women jokingly tells Freddy that Musgrave is James Hilfstone, and Freddy threatens to shoot Musgrave before taking a swing at him.  Two of the men have to physically intervene and Freddy leaves.  Musgrave learns the kid's name, that he is unstable and that he comes from a odd family that does not interact much with the rest of the community. 

Things then become even more bizarre.  Musgrave is tripped by a wire inside his flat and then beaten while on the floor by an unknown attacker.  He thinks that word has gone out that he is James Hilfstone and that some people hate Hilfstone so he puts a sign up on his outside door stating his real name and, "I am not and do not know James Hilfstone.  Take your persecutions elsewhere."  A young woman later knocks on his door and asks to see him.  It is the same person who stared at him when he was on the bus.  She knows Hilfstone and informs Musgrave that the two bear a remarkable resemblance although she can tell that he is not Hilfstone.  He learns that her brother is the young man who took a swing at him.  This rather quirky woman is Betty Dannister and she lives in a large home with her unstable brother, a wealthy American father and the rest of her family.  She explains that she has met Hilfstone and that her father has had unpleasant dealings with him.  Musgrave is attracted to Betty and wants to get to know her better.

But things go from bad to worse for Musgrave as people in town receive notes in the mail regarding Musgrave, claiming that he is a private investigator and hinting that he might be planning to blackmail them over hidden secrets.  Because the people receiving letters are the same ones on Kex's list, Musgrave suspects that Kex is behind it all.  Kex seems to be playing a disruptive practical joke that involves alarming the ten people on his list.  Musgrave wants to leave town but, after considering the money he is being paid by Kex, he decides to stay and deal with Kex's pranks.  Most of the novel involves Musgrave trying to find out who Hilfstone is while doing damage control so he can remain longer in Positano to earn his commission.  The novel is fairly interesting, humorous at times and has a bizarre ending.  Strange People, Queer Notions might appeal to some mystery readers, but I suspect that probably only diehard Vance fans will want to read it.  I’ve read it three times so far and rated it a 3 “Liked it.”


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