Jack Vance Novels (56) And Novellas (18)
Jack Vance Novels (56) And Novellas (18)
Works in bold are the preferred titles when work has multiple titles
Total: 56 novels
Total: 18 novellas
11 novellas NIA-never issued as stand-alone works
5 novellas IBI-issued by itself
Total novels plus novellas=74
1 stand-alone novelette-Sjambak
1 stand-alone short story-Moon Moth
1 autobiography-This Is Me, Jack Vance!
Standard set forth by the Science Fiction Writers of
Flash Fiction: 53 - 1,000
Short Stories: 3,500 - 7,500 [usually under 22 pages]
Novelettes: 7,500 - 17,000 [usually around 22-53 pages]
Novellas: 17,000 - 40,000 [usually around 53-121 pages]
Novels: 40,000 + words [usually around 121 pages or more]
Novels and Novellas
Abercrombie Station (1952 TWS) 62 pgs, novella, later issued in collection Monsters in Orbit, NIA.
"Alastor Cluster" Series (see individual
1. Trullion: Alastor 2262
2. Marune: Alastor 933
3. Wyst: Alastor 1716
Anome, The (1971)
201 pgs., novel, AKA: Durdane Book 1 and The Faceless Man.
Araminta Station (1988) 554
pgs., novel, AKA: Caldwell Chronicles Book 1.
Assault on a City-see Insufferable
Redheaded Daughter of Commander Tynnott O.T.E.
Asutra (1973) 182 pgs.,
novel, AKA: Durdane Book 3.
Bad Ronald (1973) 173 pgs.,
mystery novel, draft title: Something Awful.
Big Planet (1952 SS) 211
pgs., novel.
Island see Bird Isle
Bird Isle (1957)
136 pgs., mystery novel, AKA: Bird Island/Isle of Peril.
Blue World (1966) 182 pgs.,
Book of Dreams, The (1981)
200 pgs., novel, AKA: The Demon Princes 5.
of the Earth, The see Nopalgarth.
Brave Free Men, The (1972) 246
pgs., novel, AKA: Durdane Book 2 and The Roguskhoi.
"Cadwal Chronicles" Series (see individual
1. Araminta Station
2. Ecce and Old Earth
3. Throy
Chasch, The (1968)
141 pgs., novel, AKA: City of Chasch and Planet of Adventure 1.
Chateau D'If
(1950 TWS) 61/65 pgs., novella, AKA: New Bodies for Old, NIA.
Cholwell's Chickens (1952 TWS) 50 pgs., novella, later issued in collection Monsters in Orbit, NIA.
of Chasch, AKA: The Chasch and Planet of Adventure 1.
(1956) 185 pgs., novel, AKA: To Live Forever.
Crusade to Maxus (1951, TWS) 49/71
pgs., novella, AKA: Overlords of Maxus.
Cugel the Clever (1966) 190 pgs, novel, AKA: The Eyes of the Overworld and Tales of the Dying
Earth 2.
Cugel: the Skylight Spatterlight, (1983) 281 pgs., novel, AKA: Cugel’s Saga and Tales of the Dying Earth 3.
Saga, see Cugel: the Skylight Spatterlight.
Dark Ocean, The (1985)175
pgs., mystery novel.
Deadly Isles, The (1969) 153
pgs., mystery novel, as John Holbrook Vance.
Death of a Solitary Chess Player (1966) mystery novel, AKA: A Room to Die In, as Ellery Queen.
"Demon Princes, The" Series (see individual
1. Star King
2. The Killing Machine
3. The Palace of Love
4. The Face
5. The Book of Dreams
Dirdir, The (1969) 125 pgs.,
novel, AKA: Planet of Adventure 3.
Dogtown Tourist Agency, The (1976) 144 pgs., novel, later issued as part I of the collection Galactic Effectuator, NIA.
Domains of the Koryphon (1974) 168 pgs., novel, AKA: The Gray Prince,
Dragon Masters, The (1963)
116 pg. novella, Hugo Award, IBI.
"Durdane" Series (see individual listings):
1. The Anome AKA: The Faceless Man
2. The Brave Free Men AKA: The Roguskhoi
3. The Asutra
Dying Earth, The, see Mazirian the Magician
Ecce and Old Earth (1991) 376
pgs., novel, AKA: Caldwell Chronicles Book 2.
Emphyrio (1969) 201 pgs.,
of the Overworld, The see Cugel the Clever.
Face, The (1979) 194 pgs.,
novel, AKA: The Demon Princes 4.
Man see The Anome.
Gold Bands see Rapparee.
Flesh Mask, The (1957) 133 pgs., mystery novel, as Peter Held, AKA: Take My Face and Mask of Flesh.
Johns, The see Strange She Hasn’t Written.
Men Called John see Strange She Hasn’t Written.
Fox Valley Murders, The
(1966) 168 pgs., mystery novel, as John Holbrook Vance.
Turn (1977) 77 pg. novella, part 2 of: collection Galactic Effectuator, NIA.
Slough Murders: Outline for a Novel (1994).
Gift of Gab (1955 AmSF) 56
pgs., novella, NIA.
Gold and Iron (1958) 145 pgs., novel, AKA: Planet of the Damned and Slaves of the Klau, IBI.
Prince, The see Domains of the Koryphon.
Green Pearl, The (1985) 408
pgs., novel, AKA: Lyonesse 2.
of Sfere (1950, The Dying Earth) 41 pgs., Novella length according to
ISFDB. Originally published as chapter 6
of the novel The Dying Earth (1950) that is sometimes printed as an excerpt so
is not counted as a novella.
House on Lily Street, The
(1979) 181 pgs., mystery novel, as John Holbrook Vance.
Houses of Iszm (1954) 120
pgs., novella, IBI.
of Peril see Bird Isle.
Insufferable Redheaded Daughter of Commander Tynnott O.T.E-(1974 anthology Universe 4) 40/49 pgs.,17,400 word novella, AKA: "Assault on a City" GG, LM, WT.
Killing Machine, The (1964)
136 pgs., novel, AKA: The Demon Princes 2.
Kragen, The (1964 F S) 107
pgs., novella, eventually expanded to novel Blue World.
Languages of Pao (1957)
152/157 pgs., novel.
Last Castle, The (1966) 113
pgs., novella, IBI.
Lurulu (2004) 167 pgs., novel.
"Lyonesse, The" Series (see individual
1. Suldrun's Garden
2. The Green Pearl
3. Madouc
Theory, The see The Man Who Walks Behind.
Madouc (1989) 535 pgs.,
novel, AKA: Lyonesse 3.
Magnificent Showboats of the Lower Vissel River (1975) 217 pgs., novel, AKA: Showboat World.
Man from Zodiac, The, see Milton Hack from Zodiac.
Man In the Cage, The (1960) 198
pgs., novel, mystery, as Ellery Queen.
Man Who Walks Behind, The (1966) 191 pgs., mystery novel, as Ellery Queen, AKA: The Madman Theory.
Marune: Alastor 933 (1975)
180 pg., novel, AKA: Alastor Series 2.
of Flesh see Flesh Mask.
Maske: Thaery (1976) 181
pgs., novel.
Mazirian the Magician (1950) 127 pgs., novel, AKA: The Dying Earth, Tales of the Dying
Earth 1.
Milton Hack from Zodiac (1967
AmS) 40/49 pgs., novella, AKA: Man from Zodiac.
the Magician-see The Dying Earth.
Miracle Workers, The (1958 ASF)
74 pgs., novella, NIA.
Bodies for Old see Chateau d'If.
Night Lamp (1996) 371 pgs.,
Nopalgarth (1966)
101/103 pgs. novella, AKA: Brains of the Earth, IBI.
Overlords to Maxus see Crusade to Maxus.
Palace of Love, The (1967)154
pgs., novel, AKA: The Demon Princes 3.
Parapsyche (1958 AmSF) 108/115
pgs., novella, NIA.
"Planet of Adventure, The" Series (see
individual listings):
1. City of the Chasch
2. Servants of the Wankh
3. Dirdir, The
4. Pnume, The
of the Damned see Gold and Iron.
Pleasant Grove Murders, The
(1967) 189 pgs., mystery novel, as John Holbrook Vance.
Pnume, The (1970) 123 pgs.,
novel, AKA: Planet of Adventure 4.
Ports of Call (1998) 225
pgs., novel.
(1950) 133 pgs., novel, AKA: Five Gold Bands, Space Pirate.
Rhialto the Marvellous (1984)
160 pgs., novel, AKA: Tales of the Dying Earth 4.
The see The Brave Free Men.
to Die In, A see The Death of a Solitary Chess Player.
Rumfuddle (1973 in Three
Trips in Time and Space) 57 pgs., novella.
Servants of the Wankh see The
World see The Magnificent Showboats of the Lower Vissel River.
of the Klau see Gold and Iron.
Son of the Tree (1951) 110
pgs., novella, IBI.
Space Opera (1965) 136 pgs., novel.
Pirate see Rapparee.
Star King, The (1964) 140 pgs.,
novel, AKA: The Demon Princes 1.
Notions see Strange People, Queer Notions.
Strange People, Queer Notions (1985) 200 pgs., mystery novel, AKA: Strange Notions.
Strange She Hasn't Written (1964) 152 pgs., mystery novel, as Ellery Queen, AKA: Four Men Called John and Four Johns.
Suldrun's Garden (1983) 439
pgs., novel, AKA: Lyonesse 1.
My Face see Flesh Mask.
"Tales of the Dying Earth" Series (see individual listings):
1. Mazirian the Magician or The Dying Earth
2. Cugel the Clever or Eyes of the Overlord
3. Cugel: the Skylight Spatterlight or Cugel's Saga
4. Rhialto the Marvelous
Telek (1952 Astounding SF) 57
pgs., novella.
Throy (1992) 248 pgs., novel,
AKA: Caldwell Chronicles Book 3.
Live Forever see Clarges.
Trullion: Alastor 2262 (1973)
247 pgs., novel, AKA: Alastor 1.
Vandals of the Void (1953)
213 pgs., novel.
View from Chickweed's Window, The (1979)167 pgs., mystery novel, as John Holbrook Vance.
Wyst: Alastor 1716 (1978) 197
pgs., novel, AKA: Alastor 3.
Wannek, The (1969) 131 pgs., novel, AKA: Servants of the Wankh and Planet of Adventure 2.
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