Jack Vance Complete Works Published and Unpublished

Jack Vance Complete Works Published and Unpublished

Includes some bibliographies and most Vance collections

ss=short story, “w” in front of year is the year it was written

Magazine publication list with abbreviations at end

All published works are reviewed elsewhere in this blog


Abercrombie Station (1952 TWS) 58/59/62 pgs., novella.

Aboard the Galante (1983) excerpt from novel “Cugel: the Skybreak Spatterlight” chapter II, section 1) 18/21 pgs.

Absent Minded Professor, The (1954 MMM) 17pgs., ss, AKA: "First Star I See Tonight" by “John van See.”

"Alastor Cluster" Series:

            Trullion: Alastor 2262

            Marune: Alastor 933

            Wyst: Alastor 1716

Alfred's Ark (1965 NWSF) 8 pgs., ss.

And When I Find Him (1946) lost novel.

Anome, The (1971) 201 pgs., novel, AKA: “Durdane 1,” “The Faceless Man.”

Araminta Station (1987) 554 pgs., novel, AKA: “Caldwell Chronicles 1.” Vance liked.

Assault on a City see "The Insufferable Redheaded Daughter of Commander Tynnott, OTE."

Asutra (1973) 182 pgs., novel, AKA: “Durdane 3.” Vance liked.

Augmented Agent, The (1961, AS) 32/42 pgs., novelette, AKA: "I-C-a-BeM."

Augmented Agent, The and Other Stories (1986) 250 pgs., collection.

Bad Ronald (w1955?, pub.1973) 173 pgs., mystery novel, draft title: “Something Awful.”

Bagful of Dreams, A (1977 Flashing Swords! #4) 26/28/30 pgs. novelette, later included in novel “Cugel: the Skybreak Spatterlight” Chapter V, subchapter 2.

"Bain, Joe" Series (same character, not really a series):

            The Fox Valley Murders (1966)

            The Pleasant Grove Murders (1967)

            The Genesee Slough Murders (written 1966?) outline for a novel

Best of Jack Vance (1976) 274 pgs., collection.

Big Planet (w1947, pub. 1952 SS, 1957 book form) 211 pgs., novel.

"Big Planet" Series (same planet, not really a series):

            Big Planet

            Showboat World, AKA: “The Magnificent Showboats of the Lower Vissel River”

Bird Island see "Bird Isle."

Bird Isle (w1947, pub. 1957) AKA: “Bird Island,” “Isle of Peril,” by Alan Wade.

Blue World (1966) 182 pgs., novel.

Book of Dreams, The (1981) 200 pgs., novel, AKA: “The Demon Princes 5.” Vance liked.

Book of the Sixth World Fantasy Convention-Vance excerpts, none new.

Brain of the Galaxy see "The New Prime."

Brains of the Earth, The see: “Nopalgarth.”

Brave Free Men, The (1972 MFSF, 1973 book) 246 pgs., novel, AKA: “Durdane 2.” Vance liked.

"Cadwal Chronicles" Series:

            Araminta Station

            Ecce and Old Earth


Call for the New Crusade see "Crusade to Maxus."

Canceling of Unknown, A see "Sulwen’s Planet."

Caravan, The (1983) excerpt from novel "Cugel: the Skybreak Spatterlight," Chapter IV section 2, 39/45 pgs.

Case of the Sub-standard Sardines, The-see “The Sub-standard Sardines.”

Cat Island (written 1946, published 1985) 5 pgs. fragment children’s story.

Cave in the Forest, The (1966 MFSF) 12/16 pgs. as first part of the novelette "Manse of Iucounu," later published in the novel “Cugel the Clever” chapter VI, 11/15 pgs.

Chasch, The (1968) 141 pgs., novel, AKA: “Planet of Adventure 1”, “City of the Chasch.”

Chateau d'If (1950 TWS) 61/65 pgs., novella, AKA: "New Bodies for Old."

Chateau d'If and Other Stories (2017) 460 pgs., collection.

Cholwell's Chickens (1952 TWS) 47/50 pgs., novella.

Cil (1966) excerpt from the novel “Cugel the Clever” chapter II, 22/28 pgs.

City of the Chasch see "The Chasch."

Clang: Concept and Synopsis for Screen (written 1984) synopsis for a screenplay, 7 pgs.

Clarges (1956) 185 pgs., novel, AKA: “To Live Forever.”

Clutch of the Carless One-Woman, The see "The Narrow Land."

Cold Fish (written 1948) unpublished, lost.

Columns, The (1983) chapter from the novel “Cugel: the Skybreak Spatterlight” Chapter III section 1, 19/22 pgs.

Complete Magnus Ridolph, The (1990) 204 pgs., collection all 10 Magnus Ridolph stories.

Cosmic Hotfoot see “To B or not to C or D.”

Coup de Grace (1958 SSF) [Magnus Ridolph] ss, 23 pgs. AKA: "Worlds of Origin."

Courage My Strange Child (written 1944) unpublished, lost, material used in “Strange People, Queer Notions.”

Crazy Crusade see "Crusade to Maxus."

Crusade to Alambar see "Crusade to Maxus."

Crusade to Maxus (1951, TWS) 49/71 pgs., novella, AKA: "Overlords of Maxus."

Cugel the Clever (1966) 190 pgs., novel, AKA: “Eyes of the Overworld” and “The Dying Earth 2.” Vance liked

Cugel: the Skybreak Spatterlight (1983) 281 pgs., novel, AKA: “Cugel’s Saga” “The Dying Earth 3.” Vance liked.

Cugel's Saga see "Cugel: the Skybreak Spatterlight." Vance liked.

Dangerous Ways: Selected Mysteries, vol.1 (2011) 560 pgs., collection "Bad Ronald," "Deadly Isles," "Man in the Cage."

Dark Ocean, The (1985) 175 pgs., mystery novel.

Dark Side of the Moon, The (1986) 352 pgs., collection.

Dead Ahead (1950 SSS) 18/19 pgs., ss, AKA: "Ultimate Quest."

Deadly Isles, The (1969) 153 pgs., mystery novel, as John Holbrook Vance.

Death of a Solitary Chess Player (1965) 219 pgs., mystery novel, as Ellery Queen, AKA: “A Room to Die In.”

"Demon Princes, The" Series:

            Star King

            The Killing Machine

            The Face

            The Book of Dreams

Desperate Days: Selected Mysteries, vol. 2 (2012) 564 pgs., collection, "Dark Ocean," "Fox Valley Murders," "Pleasant Grove Murders."

Devil on Salvation Bluff, The (1955 StarSFS) 24 pgs., ss.

Dirdir, The (1969) 125 pgs., novel, AKA: “Planet of Adventure 3.”

Dodkin’s Job (1959 AmSF) 40 pgs., novelette.

Dogtown Tourist Agency, The (1975 Epoch anthol.)147 pgs., novella, also part of collections “Galactic Effectuator,” and “Miro Hetzel, Effectuator.”

Domestic Tragedy, A see "The House Lords."

Domains of the Koryphon (1974) 168 pgs., novel, AKA: “The Gray Prince.”

Dover Spargill’s Ghastly Floater (1951 MSF) 17 pgs., ss.

DP! (written 1951, pub. 1953 Avon SFF) 20 pgs., ss, AKA: "DP."

Dragon Masters, The (1963 GM) 116 pg. novella, Hugo Award.

Dragon Masters, The and Other Stories (2016) 256 pgs., collection, "The Dragon Masters," "The Last Castle," and "The Miracle Workers."

Dream Castle (1982)18 pgs., ss, revised from "I'll Build Your Dream Castle" (1947 ASF).

Dream Castles: Early Jack Vance, vol. 2 (2012) 368 pgs., collection.

Dreamer, The see “The Enchanted Princess.”

"Durdane" Series:

            The Anome, AKA: “The Faceless Man”

            The Brave Free Men, AKA: “The Roguskhoi”

            The Asutra

Dust of Far Suns (1964) 160 pgs., collection.

Dust of Far Suns see "Sail 25."

Dying Earth, The (novel) see “Mazirian the Magician.”

Ecce and Old Earth (1991) 376 pgs., novel, AKA: “Caldwell Chronicles 2.”

Ecological Onslaught see "The World Between." Vance liked.

Eight Fantasms and Magics (1969) 288 pgs., collection.

Elder Isles and Its Peoples-3 pg. "Preliminary" to novel "Suldrun's Garden."

Emphyrio (1969) 201 pgs., novel., Vance liked

Enchanted Princess, The (w1949, pub. 1954 OSF) 25 pgs., novelette, AKA: "The Dreamer."

End of the Moon Chase, The (1935? author did not want published) 14 pgs., as Jan Dublays.

Everybody’s Happy but Osborn (1938?) unpublished, lost, written for college English course.

Eyes of the Overworld, The see "Cugel the Clever." Vance liked.

Face, The (1979) 194 pgs., novel, AKA: "The Demon Princes 4." Vance liked.

Faceless Man, The see “The Anome.”

Fader's Waft (1984) excerpt from the novel “Rhilato the Marvellous” Chapter 2, 92 pgs.

Fantasms and Magic (1978) 192 pgs., collection.

Fantasms: A Jack Vance Bibliography (1978) Daniel J H Levack, 91 pages.

Fat Hannah (written 1962) 14 pgs., unpublished novel outline.

Faucelme (1983) chapter from the novel “Cugel: the Skylight Spatterlight” Chapter III, section 2, 18/22 pgs.

First Star I See Tonight see "Absent Minded Professor."

Five Gold Bands see “Rapparee.”

Flesh Mask, The (w1948, pub. 1957) mystery novel, AKA: “Take My Face,” “Mask of Flesh,” as Peter Held.

Flutic (1983) in novel “Cugel: the Skylight Spatterlight” chapter I, section 1, 36/40 pgs.

Forbidden Isle draft title of "Bird Isle." 

Four Hundred Blackbirds (w1948, pub. 1953 FSF) 22/23 pgs., novelette.

Four Johns, The see “Strange She Hasn’t Written.”

Four Men Called John see “Strange She Hasn’t Written.”

Four Wizards (1983) from the novel “Cugel: the Skybreak Spatterlight” Part VI, section. 1, 10/12 pgs.

Fox Valley Murders, The (1966) 168 pgs., mystery novel, as "John Holbrook Vance."

Freitzke's Turn-(1977 Triax) 130 pgs., novella, also Part 2 of the collections “Galactic Effectuator” and “Miro Hetzel, Effectuator.”

From the Book of Dreams (1980) in "The Book of The Sixth World Fantasy Convention.") excerpt from the Vance novel "The Book of Dreams," 1 page, nothing new.

Future Tense (1964) 160 pgs., collection, same as collection "Dust of Far Suns" (1981).

Gadget Stories (2005) 738 pgs., collection, in VIE, same contents as "Potters of Fisk and Other Stories."

Galactic Effectuator (1981) 219 pgs., collection, same contents as collection "Miro Hetzel, Effectuator."

Gateway to Strangeness see "Sail 25."

Genesee Slough Murders: Outline for a Novel (written 1966?) 25 pgs.

Gift of Gab, The (1955 AmSF) 54/56 pgs., novella.

Glossary III: Ireland and the Elder Isles-excerpt from the novel “Suldrun’s Garden.”

God and the Temple Robber, The (written 1946, pub. 1951 PS ) AKA: “The Temple of Han.”

Gold and Iron (1952 Standard Magazines) 145 pgs., novel, aka: "Planet of the Damned", "Slaves of the Klau."

Golden Girl, The (w1945, pub. 1951 MSS) 10/14 pgs., ss.

Golden Girl and Other Stories (2017) 259 pgs., collection.

Grade VA (written 1935?) lost.

Grand Crusades: Early Jack Vance vol. 5 (2015) 472 pgs., collection.

Gray Prince, The see “Domains of the Koryphon.”

Green Magic (w1956, pub. 1963 MFSF) 12 pgs., ss.

Green Magic: The Fantasy Realms of Jack Vance (1979) 273 pgs., collection.

Green Pearl, The (1985) 408 pgs., novel, AKA: “Lyonesse 2.” Vance liked.

Gulf of New York, The (1966) unpublished per author's request, 2 pgs., film script.

Guyal of Sfere (1950) 41 pgs., excerpt from the novel “The Dying Earth” chapter 6.

Guyal of Sfere (2005) 42 pgs., revision of excerpt for VIE, also pub. by Spatterlight.

Hard Luck Diggings (1948 SS) [Magnus Ridolph] AKA: “Hard-Luck Diggings.”

Hard Luck Diggings: The Early Works of Jack Vance, vol. 1, (2010) 296 pgs., collection.

"Hetzel, Miro" Series (same character, not really a series):

            The Dogtown Tourist Agency

            Freitzke's Turn

House Lords, The (1957 Sat) 15 pgs., ss.

House on Lily Street, The (1979) 181 pgs., mystery novel, as John Holbrook Vance.

Houses of Iszm (1954) 120 pgs., novella.

Howling Bounders, The (1949 SS) 21 pgs., ss [Magnus Ridolph].

I-C-a-BeM (1961, AmS) see: "The Augmented Agent."

I'll Build Your Dream Castle (1947 Astounding SF) 14/15/18 pgs., ss, revised in 1982 to "Dream Castle."

Inn of Blue Lamps, The (1983) excerpt from novel “Cugel's Saga” Chapter I section 2, 19/21 pgs.

Insufferable Redheaded Daughter of Commander Tynnott O.T.E-(1974 in collection Universe 4) 40/49 pgs., 17,400 word novella, AKA: “Assault on a City.”

Isle of Peril see “Bird Isle.”

Jack Vance: A Bibliography-compiled by Daniel J.H. Levack (1980) in “The Book of the Sixth World Fantasy Convention,” 5 pgs.

Jack Vance A Fantasmic Imagination A Working Bibliography (1990) 61 pgs, pamphlet, Phil Stephensen-Payne & Gordon Benson, Jr.

Jack Vance Lexicon, The (2016) Dan Temianka & Jack Vance, 232 pgs.

Jack Vance SF Gateway Omnibus (2013) collection of novels/novellas: "Big Planet," "Blue World," "Dragon Masters," "Last Castle," and "Miracle Workers."

Jack Vance Treasury, The (2007) 633 pgs., collection.

Joe Plant’s Final Diamond (1943) unpublished, lost, possibly an early version of “Masquerade on Dicantropus.”

Killing Machine, The (1964) 136 pgs., novel, AKA: “The Demon Princes 2.” Vance liked.

King of Thieves, The (1949 SS) 20 pgs. ss [Magnus Ridolph]

Kokod Warriors, The (written 1950, 1952 TWS) 34 pgs., novelette [Magnus Ridolph]

Kragen, The (1964 FS) 107 pgs., novella, eventually expanded to novel “Blue World”

Lanark and the World-Thinker see "The World-Thinker."

Languages of Pao (1957) 152/157 pgs. novel.

Last Castle, The (1966) 59/66/113 pgs., novella, Hugo Award, Nova Award, issued by itself.

Last Man on Hebron (written 1935?) unpublished, lost.

Laughing Magician, The-Two stories from novel “Cugel: the Skylight Spatterlight,” Underwood never published.

Lausicaa (1983) excerpt from the novel “Cugel: the Skylight Spatterlight” Part II, section 2, 18/21 pgs.

Liane the Wayfarer (1950 Mazirian the Magician, chapter 4) excerpt, AKA: “Loom of Darkness” and misspelled as “Liane the Wanderer,” 11 pgs.

Light from the Lone Star (1985) 125 pgs., collection.

Loom of Darkness, The see “Liane the Wayfarer” and “Liane the Wanderer.”

Lost Moons (1982) 235 pgs., collection.

Lurulu (2004) 167 pgs., novel, Vance liked.

"Lyonesse" Series:

            Suldrun's Garden

            The Green Pearl


Madman Theory, The see "The Man Who Walks Behind."

Madouc (1989) 535 pgs., novel, AKA: “Lyonesse 3.” Vance liked.

Magic Highways: Early Jack Vance, vol. 3 (2015) 336 pgs., collection.

Magnificent Red-Hot Jazzing Seven: Concept and Synopsis for Screen-play (written 1976?) 12 pgs.

Magnificent Showboats of the Lower Vissel River, The (1975) 217 pgs., novel, AKA: "Showboat World."

Magnus Ridolph- (2017 Spatterlight) 217 pgs. collection.

Man From Zodiac, The see : "Milton Hack from Zodiac"

Man In the Cage, The (1960) mystery novel, as Ellery Queen.

Man Who Walks Behind, The (1966) 191 pgs., mystery novel, as Ellery Queen, AKA: “The Mad Man Theory.”

Manse of Iucounu, The (1966 MFSF) 16/19 pgs., novelette, later 16/18 pgs. in "Cugel the Clever" (broken into "The Cave in the Forest" and "Manse of Iucounu."

Many Worlds of Magnus Ridolph (1966 Ace)146 pgs., collection, 6 of 10 stories.

Many Worlds of Magnus Ridolph (1980 DAW edition) 174 pgs., collection, 8 of 10 stories.

Marune: Alastor 933 (1975) 180 pgs., novel.

Mask of Flesh see “Flesh Mask.”

Maske: Thaery (1976) 181 pgs., novel.

Masquerade on Dicantropus (written 1950, 1951 SS) 15 pgs., ss.

Mazirian the Magician (w1944, pub. 1950) 127 pgs., novel, AKA: “The Dying Earth (novel) “The Dying Earth 1”(series).

Mazirian the Magician (written 1944, 1950) 15 pgs. chapter 2 from the novel “Mazirian the Magician.”

Meet Miss Universe (1955 FU) 22/23 pgs., ss, AKA: "Miss Universe."

Men of the Ten Books see "The Ten Books."

Men Return and Others (2009) collection.

Men Return, The (1957 ISF) 9 pgs. ss.

Milton Hack from the Zodiac see "Man from Zodiac."

Minding the Stars: Early Jack Vance, vol. 4 (2014) 376 pgs., collection.

Miracle Workers, The (1958 ASF) 74 pgs., novella.

Miro Hetzel, Effectuator (2018) 196 pgs., collection, same contents as "Galactic Effectuator."

Miss Universe see "Meet Miss Universe."

Mitr, The (written 1951, 1953 VSF) 6/8 pgs., ss.

Monsters in Orbit (1965) 114 pgs., collection, see "Abercrombie Station" & "Cholwell's Chicken."

Moon Moth (1961 GM) 35/37/39/42 pgs., novelette.

Moon Moth and Other Stories (1976 Dobson) 116 pgs., collection, British issue, different than U.S. issue with same title.

Moon Moth and Other Stories (2018 Spatterlight) 225 pgs., collection, U.S. issue.

Moon Moth, The (2012) 128 pgs., Illustrated & adapted by Humayoun Ibrahim, issued by itself.

Morreion (April 1973 Flashing Swords!) 54 pgs., novellette, later included in "Rhialto the Marvellous" Chapter 3, 41 pgs.

Mountains of Magnatz, The (1966 MFSF) 26/32 pgs., novelette, later included in the novel "Cugel the Clever" chapter II.

Murder Observed see “The Absent Minded Professor.”

Murthe, The (1984) in the novel “Rhialto the Marvellous” Chapter 1, 24 pgs.

Music of the Spheres (1952 SS) 13 pgs., ss, AKA: "Noise."

Narrow Land, The (1967 FSFF) 23/43 pgs., novelette.

Narrow Land, The (1984) 176 pgs., collection.

New Bodies for Old see "Chateau d'If."

New Crusade, The see "Crusade to Maxus."

New Prime, The (1950 WB) 23/24/26 pgs. novelette, AKA: "Brain of the Galaxy."

Night Lamp (1996) 371 pgs., novel., Vance liked

No Time Like the Present (written 1935?) unpublished, lost story about a time machine.

Noise (1952 SS) 13 pgs., ss, AKA: "Music of the Spheres."

No-One Knows Where He Went-draft title to “The Man in the Cage.”

Nopalgarth (1966) 101/103 pgs. novella, AKA: “Brains of the Earth.”

Northe’s Guard (written 1935?) unpublished, lost.

Ocean of Sighs, The (1983) from the novel “Cugel: the Skybreak Spatterlight” Chapter II, section 3, 16/19 pgs.

On the Docks (1983) from the novel “Cugel: the Skybreak Spatterlight, Chapter IV section 1, 12/13 pgs.

Overlords of Maxus see "Crusade to Maxus."

Overworld, The (1966 MFSF) 25/31 pgs., novelette, later part of the novel “Cugel the Clever" chapter 1.

Palace of Love, The (1967)154 pgs., novel, AKA: “The Demon Princes 3.” Vance liked.

Palasedra see "The Brave Free Men."

Parapsyche (1958 AmSF) 108/115 pgs., novella.

Phalid's Fate (written 1945, 1946 TWS, revised 2012) 35/36 pgs., novelette, 3rd Vance publication.

"Parlier, Jean" Series (same character, not really a series):

            Abercrombie Station

            Cholwell's Chickens

Phantom Milkman, The (1956 OWSS) 12 pgs., ss.

Phronus-Sabo Contract, The see "Milton Hack from Zodiac."

Pilgrims, The (1966 MFSF) 33/40 pgs., novelette, later in the novel “Cugel the Clever” chapter V.

Plagian Siphon see "Uninhibited Robot."

Planet Machine, The see "Uninhibited Robot."

"Planet of Adventure, The" Series:

            The Chasch/City of the Chasch

            The Wannek/Servants of the Wankh

            Dirdir, The,

            Pnume, The,

Planet of the Black Dust (written 1945, 1946 SS) 17/18 pgs., ss, 2nd Vance publication.

Planet of the Damned see “Gold and Iron.”

Planet of the Red Star see "Planet of the Black Dust."

Pleasant Grove Murders, The (1967) 189 pgs., mystery novel, as John Holbrook Vance.

Pnume, The (1970) 123 pgs., novel, AKA: “Planet of Adventure 4.”

Ports of Call (1998) 225 pgs., mystery novel, Vance liked.

Potters of Firsk and Other Stories, The (2011) collection, same contents as “Gadget Stories.”

Potters of Firsk, The (1950 Astounding SF) 19 pgs., ss.

Practical Man's Guide, A (1957 SSFM) 9 pgs., ss.

Preliminary: The Elder Isles and Its Peoples-excerpt from the novel "Suldrun’s Garden."

Rapparee (1950)133 pgs., novel, AKA: “Five Gold Bands” & “Space Pirate.”

Rhialto the Marvellous (W1979?, pub. 1984) 160 pgs., novel, AKA: “The Dying Earth 4.” Vance liked.

Roguskhoi, The see “The Brave Free Men.”

Room to Die In, A see “Death of a Solitary Chess Player.”

Rumfuddle (1973 in Three Trips in Time and Space, anthol.) 57 pgs., novella.

Sabotage on Sulphur Planet (1952 SS) 37/38 pgs., novelette.

Sail 25 (1962 AmS) 28/29 pgs., novelette, AKA: "Dust of Stars," "Gateway to Strangeness."

Sail 25 and Other Stories (2012) 398 pgs., collection.

Sanatoris Short-Cut (1948 SS) 10 pgs., ss [Magnus Ridolph]

Sanford Paxton: S. S. Altair (1938?) unpublished, lost, written for college English course.

Secret, The (w1951, pub. 1966 IMP) 10 pgs., ss.

Selwyn's Planet (1968 The Farthest Reaches anthol.) 16 pgs., ss.

Servants of the Wankh see "The Wannek."

Seven Exits from Bocz (written 1949, pub. 1952 The Rhodomagnetic Digest v4 #2) 10 pgs., ss.

Seventeen Virgins, The (1974 MFSF) 23/26 pgs., novelette, later part of the novel “Cugel: the Skybreak Spatterlight” Chapter V, section 1.

Shape-Up (1953 CSFFM) 11/15 pgs., ss.

Shipwreck on Matemba-draft title for “The Golden Girl.”

Showboat World see “The Magnificent Showboats of the Lower Vissel River.”

Sjambak (written 1952, 1953 WSF) 22/25/29/36 pgs., novelette, issued also as stand-alone book.

Slaves of the Klau see “Gold and Iron.”

Something Awful-draft title of “Bad Ronald.”

Son of the Tree (1951) 110/130 pgs., novella.

Sorcerer Pharesm, The (1966 MFSF) 22/28 pgs. novelette, later included in the novel “Cugel the Clever” chapter IV.

Spa of the Stars, The (1950 SS) 21 pgs., ss [Magnus Ridolph]

Space Opera (1965) 136 pgs. novel.

Space Pirate see “Rapparee.”

Spatterlight (1983) from the novel “Cugel: the Skylight Spatterlight” Part VI section 2, 14/16 pgs.

Star King, The (1964) 140 pgs., novel, AKA: "The Demon Princes 1." Vance liked.

Stark, The: The Voyage and the People (written 1954) outline for a novel, 49 pgs.

Strange Notions see “Strange People, Queer Notions.”

Strange People, Queer Notions (w1957, pub. 1985) 200 pgs., mystery novel, AKA: “Strange Notions.”

Strange She Hasn't Written (1964) 152 pgs., mystery novel, as Ellery Queen, AKA: “Four Johns” and “Four Men Called John” see “The Four Johns.”

Sub-Standard Sardines, The (1948 SS) novelette, [Magnus Ridolph]

Suldrun's Garden (1983) 439 pgs., novel, AKA: “Lyonesse 1.” Vance liked.

Sulwen's Planet (1968 Farthest Reaches anthol.) 16 pgs., ss.

Tai the Dreamer (written 1944) unpublished, lost.

Take My Face see “Flesh Mask.”

“Tales of the Dying Earth” Series (AKA "Dying Earth Series"):

            Mazirian the Magician/The Dying Earth

            Cugel the Clever/The Eyes of the Overlord

            Cugel: the Skylight Spatterlight/Cugel's Saga

            Rhialto the Marvellous

Taramplee (written 1944) unpublished short story, lost.

"Tchai" Series-see “Planet of Adventure Series.”

Telek (1952 Astounding SF) 57 pgs., novella.

Telephone Was Ringing in the Dark, The-outline for a novel (1962) 78 pgs.

Temple of Han, The see "God and the Temple Robber."

Ten Books, The (1951 SS) 21/29 pgs., ss, AKA: "Men of the Ten Books," ss.

This Is Me, Jack Vance! (2009) 188 pgs., autobiography, 2010 Hugo Award.

Three-Legged Joe (1953 SS) 16/21 pgs., ss, AKA: “Three Legged Joe.”

Throy (1992) 248 pgs., novel, AKA: “Caldwell Chronicles 1.” Vance liked.1    Z 

To B or not to C or D (1950 SS) [Magnus Ridolph] novelette, AKA: "Cosmic Hot Foot."

To Live Forever see “Clarges.”

Trullion: Alastor 2262 (1973) 247 pgs., novel.

Tsais (1950 from the novel “Mazirian the Magician” chapter 3.) 23 pgs., excerpt.

Turjan of Miir (1950 from the novel “Mazirian the Magician” chapter 2) 14 pgs., excerpt.

Ulan Dhor (1950 from the novel “Mazirian the Magician” chapter 5) 24 pgs., excerpt, AKA: “Ulan Dhor Ends a Dream.”

Ullward's Retreat (1958 Galaxy Mag.) 23/25 pgs., novelette.

Ultimate Quest see "Dead Ahead."

Uninhibited Robot, The (1951 TWS) 32/40 pgs., novelette, AKA: “Planet Machine & Plagian Syphon.”

Unspeakable McInch, The (1949 SS) 19 pgs., ss [Magnus Ridolph] (Vance disliked)

Vance Integral Edition, The (2001) also called VIE, complete works of Jack Vance.

Vandals of the Void (written 1951, pub. 1953) 213 pgs., youth novel, sci fi.

View from Chickweed's Window, The (w1959?, pub. 1979)167 pgs., mystery novel, as John Holbrook Vance.

Visitors, The (1950 GSF) 15 pgs., ss, AKA: "Winner Lose All."

Wankh!-see “The Wannek.”

Wannek, The (1969) 131 pgs., novel, AKA: “Planet of Adventure 2” “Servants of the Wankh.”

Wannish, The-see “The Wannek.”

When the Five Moons Rise (1954 CSFFM) 14 pgs., ss.

When the Five Moons Rise (1992) 252 pgs., collection.

Where Hesperus Falls (1956 FU) 8 pgs., ss.

Wild Thyme and Violets (2005) outline for a novel, 16 pgs.

Wild Thyme and Violets and Other Unpublished Works (2018) 318 pgs., collection.

Wild Thyme, Green Magic (2009) 360 pgs., collection.

Winner Lose All see "The Visitors."

Wise Beyond His Years (written 1956) unpublished, lost.

Wit and Wisdom of Jack Vance, The-Vance excerpts by Miguel Lugo, editor.

World Between, The (1953 FSF) 27/29 pgs. novelette, AKA: "Ecological Onslaught."

World Between and Other Stories, The (1965) 128 pgs., collection.

Worlds of Jack Vance, The (1973) 302 pgs., collection.

Worlds of Origin see “Coup de Grace.”

World-Thinker and Other Stories, The (2017, Spatterlight) 291 pgs., collection.

World-Thinker, The (1945 TWS) 25/27 pgs., novelette, first ever Vance publication.

Wyst: Alastor 1716 (1978) 197 pgs., novel.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazines Used by Vance with Abbreviations

Amazing Science Fiction-1972-2005 was Amazing Stories-AmSF

Amazing Stories-1926-1972 changed to Amazing Science Fiction-AmS

Astounding Science Fiction-1939-1960-ASF

Astonishing Stories-1940-1943-AS

Avon Fantasy Reader-1947-1952-AFR

Avon Science Fiction and Fantasy Reader-1947-1953-ASFFR

Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine-1953-1954-CSFFM


Fantastic Science Fiction-Fantasy-1952-1980 AKA: “Fantastic”-FSFF

Fantastic Stories of Imagination-1960-1965-FSI

Fantastic Universe-1953-1960-FU

Future Science Fiction-1939-1954-FSF

Galaxy/Galaxy Science Fiction/Galaxy Magazine-1950-1980-GSF


Infinity Science Fiction-1955-1958-ISF

Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction-1949-2021-MFSF

Malcolm's Mystery Magazine-1954?-MMM

Marvel Science Stories-1938-1952-MSS

New Worlds Science Fiction-1946-1997-NWSF

Orbit Science Fiction-1953-1954-OSF

Other Worlds Science Stories-1949-1957-OWSS

Planet Stories-1939-1955-PS

Rhodomagnetic Digest-1951-1962-RD


Space Science Fiction Magazine-1957-SSFM

Star Science Fiction Stories-1953-1959-StarSFS

Startling Stories-1939-1955-SS

Super Science Fiction-1956-1959-SSF

Super Science Stories-1940-1951-SSS

Thrilling Wonder Stories-1936-1954-TWS

Vortex Science Fiction-1953-VSF

Weird Tales-1923-2014-WT

Worlds Beyond-1950-1951-WB




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