Jack Vance Series

Jack Vance Series


Alastor Cluster Series

1.     Trullion: Alastor 2262 (1973)

2.     Marune: Alastor 933 (1975)

3.     Wyst: Alastor 1716 (1978)


Bain, Joe Series (Joe Bain)

1.     The Fox Valley Murders (1966)

2.     The Pleasant Grove Murders (1967)

3.     The Genesee Slough Murders-outline for a novel (1994)


Big Planet Series (same planet)

1.     Big Planet (1952)

2.     Showboat World (1975) AKA: The Magnificent Showboats of the Lower Vissel River


Cadwal Chronicles (Glawen Clattuc)

1.     Araminta Station (1988) AKA: Cadwal Chronicles Book 1

2.     Ecce and Old Earth (1991) AKA: Cadwal Chronicles Book 2

3.     Throy (1992) AKA: Cadwal Chronicles Book 3


Demon Princes, The Series (Kirth Gersen)

1.     Star King (1964)

2.     The Killing Machine (1964)

3.     The Palace of Love (1967)

4.     The Face (1979)

5.     The Book of Dreams (1981)


Durdane Series (Gastel Etzwane)

1.     The Anome (1971) AKA: The Faceless Man, Durdane Book 1

2.     The Brave Free Men (1972) AKA: The Roguskhoi, Durdane Book 2

3.     The Asutra (1973) AKA: Durdane Book 3


Lyonesse Trilogy

1.     Suldrun’s Garden (1983) AKA Lyonesse 1

2.     The Green Pearl (1985) AKA: Lyonesse 2

3.     Madouc (1989) AKA: Lyonesse 3


Planet of Adventure, The Series (Adam Reith) AKA: The Tschai Series

1.     City of Chasch (1968)

2.     Servants of the Wankh (1969)

3.     The Dirdir (1969)

4.     The Pnume (1970)


Tales of the Dying Earth (AKA: Dying Earth Series)

1.     The Dying Earth (1950) AKA Mazirian the Magician, Tales of the Dying Earth, Book I

2.     Eyes of the Overlord (1966) AKA Cugel the Clever, Tales of the Dying Earth, Book II

3.     Cugel’s Saga (1983) AKA Cugel: the Skybreak Spatterlight, Tales of the Dying Earth, Book III

4.     Rhialto the Marvellous (1984) AKA: Tales of the Dying Earth, Book IV


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