Jack Vance Complete Published Short Stories And Novelettes (65)
Jack Vance Complete Published Short Stories And Novelettes (65)
Each work listed has abbreviations in bold print designating the Vance book collections in which it appears. These collections are listed alphabetically at the end. Only a few of these collections are still in print, but used, out of print copies can easily be located on the Internet.
Short stories and novelettes in bold are the preferred titles. Note that some of the listings below were first published as chapters in novels. These also are not in bold print and are not included as Vance short stories or novelettes. However, works that were published in a magazine or anthology and then later included as part of a Vance novel are listed as short stories or novelettes, are also in bold and are counted among the 65 completed short stories and novelettes.
Standard set forth by the Science Fiction Writers of
Flash Fiction: 53 - 1,000
Short Stories: 3,500 - 7,500 [usually under 22 pages]
Novelettes: 7,500 - 17,000 [usually around 22-53
Novellas: 17,000 - 40,000
[usually around 53-121 pages]
Novels: 40,000 + words
[usually around 121 pages or more]
Absent Minded Professor, The (1954, MMM) 17 pgs., ss, AKA: "First Star I See Tonight," DSM, HLD, LLS, WTO.
Alfred's Ark
(1965, NWSF) 8 pgs., ss, DSM, MS, MM.
Augmented Agent, The (1961, AmS) 32/42pgs., novelette, AKA: "I-C-a-BeM,"AA, CD.
Bagful of Dreams, A (1977, anthology Flashing Swords! #4) 26/28/30 pgs., novelette, later in Cugel: the Skybreak Spatterlight, Chapter V, subchapter 2., JVT.
Brain of the Galaxy see “The
New Prime.”
Cat Island (2005 in Wild Thyme and Violets Other Unpublished Works) 5 pgs., draft children's story, LLS, WTV.
Cave in the Forest, The (1966, MFSF) 12/16 pgs., short story, as first part of Manse of Iucounu, later in as chapter VI in the novel Cugel the Clever, 12/16 pgs.
Cil (1966 first published in the novel The Eyes of the Overworld Chapter II, 22/28 pgs., EFM.
Cosmic Hotfoot-see "To B
or not to C or D" (1950, SS).
Coup de Grace-see “Worlds of
Crusade to Maxus (1951, TWS) 49/71 pgs., novelette, AKA: "Overlords of Maxus" AA, CD,GC.
Dead Ahead
(1950, SSS) 18/19 pgs., ss, AKA: "Ultimate Quest" DSM,GS, MH, S2.
Devil on Salvation Bluff, The (1955, StarSFS) 24 pgs., ss, HLD, MMB, WB, WFM, WTO, WJV.
Dodkin’s Job
(1959, AmSF) 40 pgs., novelette, FM, FT,
Dover Spargill’s Ghastly Floater (1951, MSF) 17 pgs., ss, DSM, GS, MH, S2.
DP! (1953,
Avon SFF) 20 pgs., ss, AKA: "DP" DSM,
Dream Castle (1982 for book Dream Castle) 18 pgs., ss, slightly expanded from "I'll Build Your Dream Castle."
Dreamer, The-see "The
Enchanted Princess."
Dust of Far Suns-see "Sail
25" AKA: "Gateway to Strangeness."
Ecological Onslaught-see The
World Between."
Enchanted Princess, The (1954, OSF) 25 pgs., novelette, AKA: "The Dreamer" DC, DSM, GS, S2.
First Star I See Tonight-see "The
Absent Minded Professor."
Four Hundred Blackbirds (1953, FSF) 22/23 pgs., novelette, GS, LM, MS, S2.
Gateway to Strangeness-see
“Sail 25,” AKA: "Dust of Far Suns."
God and the Temple Robber-(1951, PS) 15 pgs., ss, AKA: "Temple of Han" DSM, HLD, WTO.
Golden Girl
(1951, MSS) 10/14 pgs., ss, AA, DC, GG.
Green Magic
(1963, MFSF) 12 pgs., ss, GM, MM, NL, WT.
Guyal of Sfere (1950 excerpt from the novel “The Dying Earth” chapter 6), 42 pgs., EFM, FM, JVT.
Hard Luck Diggings (1948, SS) [Magnus Ridolph] 8 pgs., ss, CD, GS, HLD, LLS, MRS.
House Lords, The (1957, Sat) 15 pgs., ss, DSM, MH,
Howling Bounders, The (1949, SS) 21 pgs., ss [Magnus Ridolph] CD, GS, MH, MRS, MWD, MWA.
I-C-a-BeM-see "The
Augmented Agent."
I'll Build Your Dream Castle (1947, Astounding SF) 18 pgs., ss, revised "Dream Castle" DC, LM, WTV, WTO.
King of Thieves, The (1949, SS) 20 pgs. ss [Magnus Ridolph] CD, GS, MH, MRS, MWD, MWA, WJV.
Kokod Warriors, The (1952, TWS) 34 pgs. novelette [Magnus Ridolph] CD, JVT, MRS, MWD, MWA, WJV.
Liane the Wayfarer (excerpt from novel The Dying Earth or Mazirian the Magician, 1950) 11 pgs., AKA: The Loom of Darkness, GM, JVT.
Man From Zodiac, The, see
"Milton Hack from Zodiac."
Manse of Iucounu, The (1966, MFSF) 27 pgs., novelette. Later broken into two chapters titled The Cave in the Forest (Chapter VI, 12/16 pgs.) and The Manse of Iucounu (Chapter VII, 16/19 pgs.) as part of the novel Cugel the Clever.
Masquerade on Dicantropus (1951 SS) 15 pgs., ss, GG, HLD, NL, WFM.
Mazirian the Magician (excerpt from the novel The Dying Earth or Mazirian the
Magician, 1950) 15 pgs.
Meet Miss Universe (1955, FU) 22/23 pgs., ss, GG, LM,
Men of the Ten Books-see "The
Ten Books."
Men Return, The (1957, ISF) 9 pgs. ss, EFM, FM, GM JVT, LLS, MMB, MM, WB, WJV.
Milton Hack From Zodiac (1967, AmS) 40/49 pgs., novelette, AKA: Man from Zodiac, AA, CD, MS.
Mitr, The
(1953, VSF) 6/8 pgs., ss, GG, GM, JVT.
Moon Moth (1961, GM) 35/37/39/55 pgs. novelette, BJV, GM, JVT, MMB, MM, WB, WJV.
Morreion (April 1973 Flashing Swords!) 54 pgs., novellette, later in Rhialto the Marvellous Chapter 3, 1994, JVT.
Mountains of Magnatz, The (1966, MFSF) 26 pgs., novelette, later included as a chapter in the novel The Eyes of the Overworld part 3,1994.
Music of the Spheres-see "Noise."
Narrow Land, The (1967, Fan) 23/43 pgs., novelette, CD, DC, GM, NL.
New Prime, The (1951, WB) 23/26 pg. novelette, AKA: "Brain of the Galaxy" EFM, FM, JVT, MMB, MM, WFM, WB, WJV.
Noise (1952, SS) 13 pgs., ss, AKA: "Music of the Spheres" EFM, FM, JVT, LLS, WFM, WTO.
Overlords of Maxus-see "Crusade
to Maxus."
Overworld, The (1966, MFSF) 25 pgs., novelette, later included as chapter I in the novel Cugel the Clever, 1994, JVT.
Phalid's Fate (1946 ,TWS, revised 2012) 32/35 pgs., novelette, 3rd ever pub, CD, DSM, MH.
Phantom Milkman, The (1956, OWSS) 12 pgs., ss, DSM,
Pilgrims, The (1966, MFSF) 33 pgs., novelette, later included as chapter V Cugel the Clever, 1994, GM.
Plagian Siphon-AKA: “Planet Machine” see "Uninhibited
Planet Machine, The AKA: “Plagian Siphon” see “Uninhibited Robot” “Uninhibited Robot” AA, GS, MH, S2.
Planet of the Black Dust (1946, SS) 17/18 pgs., ss, 2nd Vance story ever pub, DSM, GS, MH, S2.
Potters of Firsk, The (1950, Astounding SF) 19 pgs., ss, GS, LLS, LM, S2, WT.
Practical Man's Guide, A (1957, SSFM) 9 pgs., ss, DSM, DC, WTO.
Sabotage on Sulfur Planet (1952, SS) 37/38 pgs., novelette, GS, LM, MH, S2.
Sail 25 (1962, AmS) 28/29 pgs., novelette, AKA: "Dust of Stars" & "Gateway to Strangeness" BJV, DFS, FM, GS, JVT, S2, WFM.
Sanatoris Short-Cut (1948, SS) [Magnus Ridolph] 10 pgs., ss, CD, GS, MH, MRS.
Secret, The
(1966, IMP) 10 pgs., ss, GM, JVT, WTO.
Seven Exits from Bocz (1952, The Rhodomagnetic Digest v4 #2) 10 pgs., ss LM, WTO.
Seventeen Virgins, The (1974, MFSF) 23/26 pgs., novelette, later included in the novel Cugel: the Skybreak Spatterlight, Chapter V, subchapter 2.
(1953, CSFFM) 11/15 pgs., ss, AA, CD,
Sjambak (1953, WSF) 22/29/36 pgs., novelette, also issued as stand-alone book, AA, GS, HLD, S2.
Sorcerer Pharesm, The (1966, MFSF) 22 pgs., novelette, later included as a chapter IV in the novel Cugel the Clever, 1994, JVT.
Spa of the Stars, The (1950 ,SS) 21 pgs., ss [Magnus Ridolph] CD, GS, MH, MRS, MWD, MWA.
Sub-Standard Sardines, The (1948, SS) 22 pgs., novelette, [Magnus Ridolph] CD, GS, MH, MRS, MWD.
Sulwen's Planet
(1968, Farthest Reaches anthol.) 16 pgs., ss, DSM, DC, MM.
Temple of Han, The-see “God
and the Temple Robber.”
Ten Books, The (1951, SS) 21/29 pgs., ss, AKA: "Men of the Ten Books" MH, NL, WFM, WTO.
Three-Legged Joe (1953, SS) 16/21 pgs., ss, AKA: “Three Legged Joe” AA, GS, HLD, S2.
To B or not to C or D (1950, SS) [Magnus Ridolph] 22 pgs., novelette, aka: "Cosmic Hot Foot" CD, GS, MRS, MWD.
Ullward's Retreat (1958, Galaxy Mag.) 23/25 pgs., novelette, BJV, DFS, FM, MM, WFM, WT.
Ultimate Quest-see "Dead
Uninhibited Robot, The-(1951, TWS) 32/40 pgs., novelette, AKA: “Planet Machine," and “The Plagian Syphon," AA, GS, MH, S2.
Unspeakable McInch, The (1949, SS) 19 pgs., ss [Magnus Ridolph] CD, GS, MH, MRS, MWD, MWA.
Visitors, The-see Winner Lose
When the Five Moons Rise (1954, CSFFM)14 pgs., ss, EFM, FM, GG, HLD, WFM.
Where Hesperus Falls (1956, FU) 8 pgs., ss, HLD, NL,
Winner Lose All-(1950, GSF) 15 pgs., ss, AKA: "The Visitors" GS, LM, MH, S.
World Between, The (1953, FSF) 27/29 pg. novelette, AKA: "Ecological Onslaught" GG, MS, MMB, WFM, WB, WJV.
World-Thinker, The (1945, TWS) 25 pgs., novelette, first story ever published, LM, NL, WT, WTO.
Worlds of Origin-(1958, SSF) 23 pgs., ss, [Magnus Ridolph] AKA: "Coup de Grace" CD, MRS, MWD, MWA, WT, WJ.
pb=paperback, hc=hardcover
Augmented Agent, The (1989, Underwood-Miller): AA (pb, hc), 250 pgs.
Best of Jack Vance, The (1976, Pocket): BJV (pb, hc), 274 pgs.
Chateau d'If and Other Stories (2017, Spatterlight): CD (pb), 160 pgs.
Complete Magnus Ridolph, The
(1984, Underwood-Miller) all 10 stories: CMR
(hc), 204 pgs.
Dangerous Ways: Selected
Mysteries, Volume one (2011, Subterranean) DW
(hc), 560 pgs.
Dark Side of the Moon, The (1986, NEL): DSM (pb, hc), 352 pgs.
Desperate Days: Selected Mysteries, Volume 2 (2012
Subterranean): DD (hc), 564 pgs.
Dragon Masters, The and Other
Stories (2016, Spatterlight): DMO
(pb), 256 pgs.
Dream Castles: Early Jack
Vance, vol. 2 (2012, Subterranean): DC (hc),
368 pgs.
Dust of Far Suns (1981, DAW):same collection as Future
Tense DFS (pb), 160 pgs.
Eight Fantasms and Magics
(1969, MacMillan): EFM (pb, hc), 288
Fantasms and Magics (1978, Granada) FM (pb), 192 pgs.
Future Tense (1964,
Ballantine) same stories as Dust of Far Suns: FT (pb), 160 pgs.
Gadget Stories (2005, part of
VIE) same as Potters of Firsk and Other Stories: GS (hc), 718 pgs.
Galactic Effectuator (1980 Underwood-Miller, hc, 1981 Ace, pb, 1983 Coronet, pb):GE, 219 pgs
Golden Girl and Other Stories (2017, Spatterlight): GG (pb), 259 pgs.
Grand Crusades: Early Jack
Vance vol. 5 (2012, Subterranean): GC (hc),
472 pgs.
Green Magic: The Fantasy Realms of Jack Vance (1979,
TOR): GM (pb, hc), 273 pgs.
Hard-Luck Diggings: The Early
Works of Jack Vance, vol. 1 (2010, Subterranean) HLD (hc), 296 pgs.
Jack Vance Treasury (2007, Subterranean): JVT (hc), 633 pgs.
Light from a Lone Star (1985, Nesfa): LLS (hc), 125 pgs.
Lost Moons (1982, Underwood-Miller): LM (hc), 235 pgs.
Magic Highways: The Early
Jack Vance, Vol. 3 (2015, Subterranean): MH
(hc), 336 pgs.
Magnus Ridolph (2017, Spatterlight) MRS (pb), 217 pgs.
Many Worlds of Magnus Ridolph, The (1966, Ace) 6 of 10
stories: MWA (pb), 146 pgs.
Many Worlds of Magnus Ridolph, The (1980, DAW) 8/10
stories: MWD (pb), 174 pgs.
Minding the Stars: Early Jack
Vance, vol. 4 (2014, Subterranean): MS
(hc), 196 pgs.
Miro Hetzel, Effectuator (2018, Spatterlight): MHE, 114 pgs.
Monsters In Orbit (1965, Ace Double): MIO, 114 pgs.
Moon Moth and Other Stories
(1976 Dobson) British: MMB (hc), 116
Moon Moth and Other Stories (2012, Spatterlight): MM (pb), 225 pgs.
Narrow Land, The (1984, DAW): NL (pb), 176 pgs.
Sail 25 and Other Stories (2012, Spatterlight): S2 (pb), 398 pgs.
Son of the Tree & The
Houses of Iszm (2017, Spatterlight, STHI
(pb), 196 pgs., nl cplt
Tales of the Dying Earth (2000, ORB): TDE (pb),741 pgs., nl cplt.
When the Five Moons Rise
(1992, Underwood-Miller): WFM (hc),
252 pgs.
Wild Thyme and Violets, Other Unpublished Works (2012,
Spatterlight): WTV (pb), 318 pgs.
Wild Thyme, Green Magic (2009,
Subterranean): WT (hc), 360 pgs.
World Between and Other Stories, The (1965, Ace double):
WB (pb), 128 pgs.
World-Thinker and Other Stories (2017 Spatterlight): WTO (pb), 291 pgs.
Worlds of Jack Vance, The (1973, Ace): WJV (pb), 302 pgs.
Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazines Used by Vance with
Amazing Science
Fiction-1972-2005 was Amazing Stories-AmSF
Amazing Stories-1926-1972
changed to Amazing Science Fiction-AmS
Astounding Science Fiction-1939-1960-ASF
Astonishing Stories-1940-1943-AS
Avon Fantasy
Avon Science Fiction and
Fantasy Reader-1947-1953-ASFFR
Cosmos Science Fiction and
Fantasy Magazine-1953-1954-CSFFM
Fantastic Science Fiction-Fantasy-1952-1980
AKA: “Fantastic”-FSFF
Fantastic Stories of
Fantastic Universe-1953-1960-FU
Future Science
Galaxy/Galaxy Science Fiction/Galaxy
Infinity Science
Magazine of Fantasy &
Science Fiction-1949-2021-MFSF
Malcolm's Mystery Magazine-1954?-MMM
Marvel Science Stories-1938-1952-MSS
New Worlds Science Fiction-1946-1997-NWSF
Orbit Science Fiction-1953-1954-OSF
Other Worlds Science
Planet Stories-1939-1955-PS
Rhodomagnetic Digest-1951-1962-RD
Space Science Fiction
Star Science Fiction Stories-1953-1959-StarSFS
Startling Stories-1939-1955-SS
Super Science Fiction-1956-1959-SSF
Super Science
Thrilling Wonder
Vortex Science Fiction-1953-VSF
Weird Tales-1923-2014-WT
Worlds Beyond-1950-1951-WB
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