Jack Vance Book Collections

Jack Vance Book Collections

pb=paperback, hc=hardcover

nr=collection not reviewed in blog but all contents are reviewed individually

Augmented Agent, The (1989, Underwood-Miller): AA, (pb, hc)

Augmented Agent, The

Crusade to Maxus

Golden Girl

Man From Zodiac, The

Planet Machine, The



Three-Legged Joe

Best of Jack Vance, The (1976, Pocket): BJV, (pb, hc)

Abercrombie Station, novella

Last Castle-novella also issued by itself

Moon Moth

Rumfuddle, novella

Sail 25

Ullward's Retreat


Chateau d'If and Other Stories (2017, Spatterlight): CD, (pb)

Augmented Agent, The

Chateau d’If

Crusade to Maxus

Gift of Gab, The, novella

Milton Hack from Zodiac

Narrow Land, The

Nopalgarth, novella

Phalid’s Fate



Complete Magnus Ridolph, The (1984, Underwood-Miller): CMR, all 10 stories (hc)

Coup de Grace

Hard Luck Diggings

Howling Bounders, The

King of Thieves, The

Kokod Warriors, The

Sanatoris Short-Cut

Spa of the Stars, The

Sub-Standard Sardines, The

To B or not to C or D

Unspeakable McInch, The


Dangerous Ways: Selected Mysteries, Volume One (2011, Subterranean) DW (hc)

Bad Ronald, novel

Deadly Isles, novel

Man in the Cage, novel


Dark Side of the Moon, The (1986, NEL): DSM, (pb, hc)

Alfred's Ark

Dead Ahead

Dover Spargill's Ghastly Floater


Enchanted Princess

First Star I See Tonight

House Lords

Parapsyche, novella

Phalid's Fate

Phantom Milkman

Planet of the Black Dust

Practical Man's Guide

Sulwen’s Planet

Temple of Han


Desperate Days: Selected Mysteries, Volume Two (2012, Subterranean): DD, (hc), nr

Dark Ocean, The-novel

Fox Valley Murders, The-novel

Pleasant Grove Murders, The-novel


Dragon Masters and Other Stories (2016, Spatterlight): DMO (pb)

Dragon Masters, The, novella

Last Castle, The, novella

Miracle Workers, The, novella


Dream Castles: Early Jack Vance, vol. 2 (2012, Subterranean): DC, (hc), nr

Cholwell's Chickens, novella

Dogtown Tourist Agency, The, novel

Dream Castle

Enchanted Princess, The

Freitzke's Turn

Golden Girl

Narrow Land, The

Practical Man's Guide, A

Son of the Tree-novella issued by itself

Sulwen's Planet

Dust of Far Suns (1981, DAW): DFS, same collection as earlier Future Tense (pb)

Dodkin's Job

Gift of Gab, novella

Sail 25

Ullward's Retreat


Eight Fantasms and Magics (1969, MacMillan): EFM, (pb, hc) nlg, nr


Guyal of Sfere, excerpt from a novel

Men Return

Miracle-Workers, novella

New Prime


Telek, novella

When the Five Moons Rise


Fantasms and Magics (1978, Granada): FM, same as Eight Fantasms but missing Cil and Telek (pb)

Guyal Sfere, excerpt from a novel

Men Return, The

Miracle Workers, The, novella

New Prime, The


When the Five Moons Rise


Future Tense (1964, Ballantine): FT, same collection as later Dust of Far Suns (pb), nr

Dodkin's Job

Gift of Gab, novella

Sail 25

Ullward's Retreat


Gadget Stories (2005, VIE): GS, part of the Vance Integral Edition, (hc) nlg, nr

Dead Ahead

Dover Spargill's Ghastly Floater

Enchanted Princess, The

Four Hundred Blackbirds

Hard Luck Diggings

Howling Bounders, The

King of Thieves, The

Parapsyche, novella

Planet of Black Dust

Potters of Firsk

Sabotage on Sulfur Planet

Sail 25

Sanatoris Short-Cut

Sjambak (1953)

Spa of the Stars

Sub-Standard Sardines, The

Three Legged Joe

To B or Not to C or to D

Uninhibited Robot, The

Unspeakable McInch, The

Visitors, The


Galactic Effectuator (1980 Underwood-Miller, hc, 1981 Ace, pb, 1983 Coronet, pb): GE

Dogtown Tourist Agency, novel

Freitzke’s Turn, novella


Golden Girl and Other Stories (2017, Spatterlight): GG, (pb, hc)

Abercrombie Station, novella

Cholwell's Chickens, novella

Golden Girl

Insufferable Redheaded Daughter of Commander Tynnott The, O.T.E.

Masquerade on Dicantropus

Meet Miss Universe

Mitr, The

When the Five Moons Rise

World Between, The


Grand Crusades: Early Jack Vance vol. 5 (2012, Subterranean): GC, (hc), nr

Crusade to Maxus, novelette

Gold and Iron, novel

Houses of Iszm, novella

Rapparee, novel

Space Opera, novel


Green Magic: The Fantasy Realms of Jack Vance (1979, TOR): GM, (pb, hc)

Green Magic

Liane the Wayfarer, excerpt from a novel

Men Return

Miracle Workers, novella


Moon Moth

Narrow Land




Hard-Luck Diggings: The Early Works of Jack Vance, volume 1 (2010, Subterranean): HLD, (hc), nr

Abercrombie Station, novella

Absent-Minded Professor

Devil on Salvation Bluff

Dodkin’s Job


Hard-Luck Diggings

Masquerade on Dicantropus

Phantom Milkman



Temple of Han

Three-Legged Joe

When the Five Moons Rise

Where Hesperus Falls


Jack Vance Treasury (2007, Subterranean): JVT, (hc)

Bagful of Dreams, The

Dragon Masters, The, novella

Gift of Gab, The, novella

Guyal of Sfere, excerpt from a novel

Kokod Warriors, The

Last Castle, The, novella

Liane the Wayfarer

Men Return, The

Miracle Workers, The, novella

Mitr, The

Moon Moth, The

Morreion, novella

New Prime, The


Overworld, The

Sail 25

Secret, The

Sorcerer Pharesm, The


Light from a Lone Star (1985, Nesfa): LLS, (hc)

Cat Island

First Star I See Tonight

Hard Luck Diggings

Men Return, The


Potters of Firsk, The


Lost Moons (1982, Underwood-Miller): LM, (hc)

Assault on a City

Four Hundred Blackbirds

I'll Build Your Dream Castle

Meet Miss Universe

Potters of Firsk, The

Sabotage on Sulphur Planet

Seven Exits from Bocz

Winner Lose All

World-Thinker, The


Magic Highways: The Early Jack Vance, Volume 3 (2015, Subterranean): MH, (hc), nr

Dover Spargill's Ghastly Floater

House Lords

Howling Bounders

King of Thieves

Men of the Ten Books

Phalid's Fate

Planet Machine

Planet of the Black Dust

Sabotage on Sulfur Planet

Sanatoris Short

Spa of the Stars To B or Not to C or to D

Sub-Standard Sardines

Ten Books, The

Ultimate Quest

Unspeakable McInch

Winner Lose All


Magnus Ridolph (2017, Spatterlight): MRS all 10 Magnus Ridolph stories (pb)

Coup de Grace

Hard Luck Diggings

Howling Bounders, The

King of Thieves, The

Kokod Warriors, The

Sanatoris Short-cut

Spa of the Stars, The

Sub-Standard Sardines, The

To B or Not to C or to D

Unspeakable McInch, The


Many Worlds of Magnus Ridolph, The (1966, ACE): MWA, 6 of 10 stories  (pb)

Coup de Grace

Howling Bounders, The

King of Thieves, The

Kokod Warriors, The

Spa of the Stars, The

Unspeakable McInch, The


Many Worlds of Magnus Ridolph, The" (1980, DAW): MWD, 8 of 10 stories, (pb)

Coup de Grace

Howling Bounders, The

King of Thieves, The

Kokod Warriors, The

Spa of the Stars, The

Sub-Standard Sardines, The

To B or not to C or D

Unspeakable McInch, The


Minding the Stars: Early Jack Vance, vol. 4 (2014, Subterranean): MS, (hc), nr

Alfred’s Ark

Four Hundred Blackbirds

Meet Miss Universe

Milton Hack From Zodiac

Nopalgarth-novella issued by itself

Parapsyche, novella

Telek, novella

World Between


Miro Hetzel, Effectuator (2018, Spatterlight): MHE, (pb)

Dogtown Tourist Agency, novella

Freitzke’s Turn, novella


Moon Moth and Other Stories (1976, Dobson) British issue: MMB, (hc), nr

Brain of the Galaxy

Devil on Salvation Bluff, The

Men Return, The

Moon Moth, The

World Between, The


Moon Moth and Other Stories (2012, Spatterlight): MM, (pb)

Alfred's Ark

Dodkin's Job

Green Magic

Men Return, The

Moon Moth

New Prime, The

Rumfuddle, novella

Sulwen's Planet

Ullward's Retreat


Monsters In Orbit (1964, Ace Double): MIO, (pb)

Abercrombie Station

Cholwell’s Chickens


Narrow Land, The (1984, DAW): NL, (pb)

Chateau d'If, novella

Green Magic

Masquerade On Dicantropus

Narrow Land, The

Ten Books, The

Where Hesperus Fails

World Thinker


Sail 25 and Other Stories (2017, Spatterlight): S2, (pb)

Dead Ahead

Dover Spargill's Ghastly Floater

Enchanted Princess, The

Four Hundred Blackbirds

Parapsyche, novella

Planet of the Black Dust

Potters of Firsk, The

Sabotage on Sulfur Planet

Sail 25


Three-Legged Joe

Uninhibited Robot, The

Visitors, The


Son of the Tree & The Houses of Iszm (2017, Spatterlight): STHI, (pb), nr

Houses of Ism, The, novella

Son of the Tree, novella


Tales of the Dying Earth (2000, ORB):TDE (pb)

Cugel’s Saga, novel

Dying Earth, The, novel

Eyes of the Overworld, The, novel

Rhialto the Marvellous, novel


When the Five Moons Rise (1992, Underwood-Miller): WFM, (hc), nr

Devil on Salvation Bluff

Dodkin's Job

Dust of Far Suns

Ecological Onslaught

Masquerade on Dicantropus

Men of the Ten Books

New Prime, The


Telek, novella

Ullward's Retreat

When the Five Moons Rise

Where Hesperus Falls


Wild Thyme, Green Magic (2009, Subterranean): WT, (hc), nr

Assault on a City

Augmented Agent

Chateau d'If

Coup de Grace

Green Magic

Potters of Firsk


Seven Exits from Bocz

Ullward's Retreat

Wild Thyme and Violets, outline for a novel



Wild Thyme and Violets, Other Unpublished Works (2012, Spatterlight): WTV, (pb)

Cat Island-Fragment for a children’s story

Clang: Concept & synopsis for screen-play

Dream Castle (1982 short story) previously issued in a magazine

Genesee slough Murders, The-outline for a mystery novel

Guyal of Sfere, (revised excerpt from the novel The Dying Earth)

Kragen, The (1964 novella) novella previously issued in a magazine

Magnificent Red-Hot Jazzing Seven: Concept & synopsis for screen-play

Stark, The: The Voyage and the People, draft for a novel

Telephone Was Ringing in the Dark-outline for a novel

Wild Thyme and Violets, outline for a novel


World Between and Other Stories, The (1965, Ace double): WB, (pb)

Brain of the Galaxy

Devil on Salvation Bluff

Men Return

Moon Moth

World Between


World-Thinker and Other Stories (2017, Spatterlight): WTO, (pb)

Absent Minded Professor, The


Devil on Salvation Bluff, The

God and the Temple Robber, The

House Lords, The

I'll Build Your Dream Castle

Men of the Ten Books


Phantom Milkman, The

Practical Man's Guide, A

Secret, The

Seven Exits from Bocz

Telek, novella

Ten Books, The

Where Hesperus Falls

World-Thinker, The


Worlds of Jack Vance, The (1973, Ace): WJV, (pb)

Brain of the Galaxy

Brains of Earth, The, novella

Coup de Grace [Magnus Ridolph]

Devil on Salvation Bluff, The

King of Thieves, The [Magnus Ridolph]

Kokod Warriors, The [Magnus Ridolph]

Men Return, The

Moon Moth, The

World Between, The



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