Jack Vance Alternative Titles For Novels And Novellas

Jack Vance Alternative Titles For Novels And Novellas

Bold are author’s preferred titles. All are reviewed in this blog

Anome, The (1971) AKA: The Faceless Man.

Assault on the City see Insufferable Redheaded Daughter of Commander Tynnott O.T.E.

Bird Island-see Bird Isle.

Bird Isle (1957), AKA: Bird Island, Isle of Peril.

Brains of the Earth see Nopalgarth.

Chasch, The (1968) AKA: City of the Chasch.

Chateau d’If (1950) AKA: New Bodies for Old.

City of the Chasch see The Chasch.

Clarges (1956) AKA: To Live Forever.

Crusade to Maxus (1951) AKA: Overlords to Maxus.

Cugel the Clever (1966) AKA: Eyes of the Overworld.

Cugel: the Skybreak Spatterlight (1983) AKA: Cugel’s Saga.

Cugel’s Saga-see Cugel: the Skybreak Spatterlight.

Death of a Solitary Chess Player (1965) np, AKA: A Room to Die In.

Domains of Koryphon (1974) AKA: The Gray Prince.

Dying Earth, The see Mazirian the Magician.

Eyes of the Overworld see Cugel the Clever.

Faceless Man see The Anome.

Five Gold Bands see Rapparee.

Flesh Mask (1957) AKA: Take My Face and Mask of Flesh.

Four Johns, The-see Strange She Hasn’t Written.

Four Men Called John see Strange She Hasn’t Written.

Gold and Iron (1952) AKA: Slaves of the Klau and Planet of the Damned.

Gray Prince, The see Domains of Koryphon.

Insufferable Redheaded Daughter of Commander Tynnott O.T.E. (1974) AKA: Assault on a City.

Isle of Peril see Bird Isle.

Madman Theory, The see The Man Who Walks Behind.

Magnificent Showboats of the Lower Vissel River, The (1975) AKA: Showboat World.

Man from the Zodiac see Milton Hack from Zodiac.

Man Who Walks Behind, The (1966) AKA: The Madman Theory.

Mask of Flesh see Flesh Mask.

Mazirian the Magician (1950) AKA: The Dying Earth.

Milton Hack from the Zodiac (1967) AKA: Man from the Zodiac.

New Bodies for Old see Chateau d’If.

Nopalgarth (1966) AKA: Brains of the Earth.

Overlords to Maxus see Crusade to Maxus.

Planet of the Damned see Gold and Iron.

Rapparee (1950) AKA: Five Gold Bands and The Space Pirates.

Room to Die In, A see Death of a Solitary Chess Player.

Servants of the Wankh see The Wannek.

Showboat World see The Magnificent Showboats of the Lower Vissel River.

Slaves of the Klau see Gold and Iron.

Space Pirates, The see Rapparee.

Strange Notions see Strange People, Queer Notions.

Strange People, Queer Notions (1985) AKA: Strange Notions.

Strange She Hasn’t Written (1957) AKA: The Four Johns and Four Men Called John.

Take My Face see Flesh Mask.

To Live Forever see Clarges.

Wannek, The (1969) AKA: Servants of the Wankh.


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