Jack Vance Alternative Titles for Shorter Works
Jack Vance Alternative Titles for Shorter Works (short stories and novelettes)
Bold are author’s preferred titles
Absent Minded Professor, The-AKA: "First Star I See Tonight"
Augmented Agent, The-AKA: "I-C-a-BeM"
Brain of the Galaxy-see
"The New Prime"
Cosmic Hotfoot-see "To B
or not to C or D"
Coup de Grace-AKA:
"Worlds of Origin"
Crusade to Maxus-AKA: "Overlords of Maxus"
Dead Ahead-AKA:
"Ultimate Quest"
Dream Castle-see “I’ll Build
Your Dream Castle”
Dreamer, The-see "The
Enchanted Princess"
Dust of Far Suns-see "Sail
Ecological Onslaught-see The
World Between"
Enchanted Princess, The-AKA: "The Dreamer"
First Star I See Tonight-see "The
Absent Minded Professor"
Gateway to Strangeness-see
“Sail 25”
God and the Temple Robber-AKA: "Temple of Han"
I-C-a-BeM-see "The
Augmented Agent"
I'll Build Your Dream Castle AKA: "Dream Castle”
Man From Zodiac, The-see
"Milton Hack from Zodiac"
Meet Miss Universe-AKA: Miss Universe
Men of the Ten Books-see ‘The
Ten Books’
Milton Hack From Zodiac-AKA: ‘Man from Zodiac’
Miss Universe-see Meet Miss
Music of the Spheres-see "Noise"
New Prime-AKA:
"Brain of the Galaxy"
"Music of the Spheres"
Overlords of Maxus-see "Crusade
to Maxus"
Plagian Siphon-see
"Uninhibited Robot"
Planet Machine, The-see “Sail
Sail 25 -AKA: "Dust of Far Suns" and "Gateway to Strangeness"
Temple of Han, The-see "God
and the Temple Robber"
Ten Books, The-AKA:
"Men of the Ten Books"
To B or not to C or D -AKA: "Cosmic Hot Foot"
Ultimate Quest-see "Dead
Uninhibited Robot, The-AKA: “Planet Machine," & “The Plagian
Visitors, The-see "Winners
Lose All"
Winner Lose All-AKA:
"The Visitors"
World Between, The-AKA: "Ecological Onslaught"
Worlds of Origin-see "Coup
de Grace"
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