Books and Publications About Jack Vance
Books and Publications About Jack Vance
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Cosmopolis: A Nexus for the Admirers of the Works of Jack Vance-George L. Mina, editor, 1988 fanzine, 1988, Only 75 copies released.12 copies had hand colored illustrations. Different from the Cosmopolis newsletter published by the VIE project.
√Demon Prince The Dissonant Worlds of Jack Vance-2007, by Jack
Rawlins, rated 5.
Encyclopedia of Jack Vance, An: 20th Century Science Fiction Writer, Vol. 1, A-J- 2002, by David G. Mead, soft & hardcover editions, op.
Encyclopedia of Jack Vance, An: 20th Century Science Fiction Writer, Vol. 2, L-N- 2002, by David G. Mead, soft & hardcover editions, op.
Encyclopedia of Jack Vance, An: 20th Century Science Fiction Writer, Vol. 3, O-Z- 2002, by David G. Mead, soft & hardcover editions, op.
√Fantasms: A bibliography of the literature of Jack Vance-1978, Daniel J. H Levack, op, rated 5.
√Handbook of Vance Space: A Rough Guide to the Planets of Alastor Cluster, the Gaean Reach, the Oikumene, and Other Exotic Sectors-2014, Michael Andre-Driussi, rated 5.
√Jack Vance (Writers of the 21st Century)-1980, Tim Underwood & Chuck Miller eds., op, rated 5.
√Jack Vance A Fantasmic Imagination: A Working Bibliography (Bibliographies for the Avid Reader)-1990, by Phil Stephensen-Payne and Gordon Benson, Jr. op, rated 3.
Jack Vance: Critical Appreciations and a Bibliography-2000, A.E. Cunningham, editor, op.
√Jack Vance Lexicon, The: from Abiloid to Zygage: The Coined Words of Jack Vance, 2016, Dan Temianka, rated 5.
Jack Vance Science Fiction Stylist-1965, Richard Tiedman, not listed on Goodreads, stapled paperback, Reprinted in Writers of the 21st Century Series: Jack Vance- Tim Underwood and Chuck Miller, editors, op.
√Jack Vance Seven Articles on His Work and Travels-2017, Michael
Andre-Driussi, rated 5.
Many Worlds of Jack Vance, The Horns of Elflallnd #2-1977, Jack Vance and Poul Anderson Stapled fanzine, includes Jack Vance's The Secret, and graphic adaptation of Eyes of the Overworld, plus other content. Magazine sized soft cover, op.
√This is Me, Jack Vance-Jack Vance, autobiography, rated 5.
Winged Being: Thoughts on Jack Vance and Patient Explorations of the Obvious-2013, by Paul Rhoads, 30 essays, revised from Cosmopolis and Extant.
√Wit And Wisdom Of Jack Vance, The: As Experienced By Miguel Lugo, 2011, rated 5.
Work of Jack Vance, The: An Annotated Bibliography and Guide-1993, Jerry Hewett and Daryl F. Mallett, op
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