Books and Publications About Jack Vance

Books and Publications About Jack Vance

op=out of print, √=Read & reviewed under title. Those not read I’d like to borrow if anybody has a copy

Goodreads Ratings: 1-5. 1= Did not like 2=Okay, 3=Liked it, 4=Really liked it, 5=Amazing

Cosmopolis: A Nexus for the Admirers of the Works of Jack Vance-George L. Mina, editor, 1988 fanzine, 1988, Only 75 copies released.12 copies had hand colored illustrations. Different from the Cosmopolis newsletter published by the VIE project.

Demon Prince The Dissonant Worlds of Jack Vance-2007, by Jack Rawlins, rated 5.

Encyclopedia of Jack Vance, An: 20th Century Science Fiction Writer, Vol. 1, A-J- 2002, by David G. Mead, soft & hardcover editions, op.

Encyclopedia of Jack Vance, An: 20th Century Science Fiction Writer, Vol. 2, L-N- 2002, by David G. Mead, soft & hardcover editions, op.

Encyclopedia of Jack Vance, An: 20th Century Science Fiction Writer, Vol. 3, O-Z- 2002, by David G. Mead, soft & hardcover editions, op.

Fantasms: A bibliography of the literature of Jack Vance-1978, Daniel J. H Levack, op,   rated 5.

Handbook of Vance Space: A Rough Guide to the Planets of Alastor Cluster, the Gaean Reach, the Oikumene, and Other Exotic Sectors-2014, Michael Andre-Driussi, rated 5.

Jack Vance (Writers of the 21st Century)-1980, Tim Underwood & Chuck Miller eds., op, rated 5.

Jack Vance A Fantasmic Imagination: A Working Bibliography (Bibliographies for the Avid Reader)-1990, by Phil Stephensen-Payne  and Gordon Benson, Jr. op, rated 3.

Jack Vance: Critical Appreciations and a Bibliography-2000, A.E. Cunningham, editor, op.

Jack Vance Lexicon, The: from Abiloid to Zygage: The Coined Words of Jack Vance, 2016, Dan Temianka, rated 5.

Jack Vance Science Fiction Stylist-1965, Richard Tiedman, not listed on Goodreads, stapled paperback, Reprinted in Writers of the 21st Century Series: Jack Vance- Tim Underwood and Chuck Miller, editors, op.

Jack Vance Seven Articles on His Work and Travels-2017, Michael Andre-Driussi, rated 5.

Many Worlds of Jack Vance, The Horns of Elflallnd #2-1977, Jack Vance and Poul Anderson Stapled fanzine, includes Jack Vance's The Secret, and graphic adaptation of Eyes of the Overworld, plus other content.  Magazine sized soft cover, op.

This is Me, Jack Vance-Jack Vance, autobiography, rated 5.

Winged Being: Thoughts on Jack Vance and Patient Explorations of the Obvious-2013, by Paul Rhoads, 30 essays, revised from Cosmopolis and Extant.

Wit And Wisdom Of Jack Vance, The: As Experienced By Miguel Lugo, 2011, rated 5.

Work of Jack Vance, The: An Annotated Bibliography and Guide-1993, Jerry Hewett and Daryl F. Mallett, op



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