Book Review: The Book of the Sixth World Fantasy Convention 1980

Book Review: The Book of the Sixth World Fantasy Convention 1980

Vancealot: Jack Vance in Review, TJ Jones

Underwood-Miller, oversize hardcover, 96 pages

Release Date: 1980

Availability:  Out of print but can be purchased used on the Internet.

This is not a book exclusively about Jack Vance but Jack Vance was the Guest of Honor at the Convention and some of his writings, an article about him and a bibliography of his writings were included in the book.  Production was limited to 1,000 copies, but the book seems to be fairly easily obtained and reasonably priced.

The Guest Artist was Boris Vallejo, the Master of Ceremonies was Robert Bloch and Edgar Allan Poe is mentioned In Memory of.  Tim Underwood and Chuck Miller are the editors.  The frontispiece is an Alicia Austin illustration for Vance's The Last Castle. 

Vance related material in the book include the following:

1. "From the Book of Dreams" A one page excerpt from Vance's soon to be published novel The Book of Dreams.

2. "Introducing Jack Vance," a two page article about Vance by his good friend Poul Anderson.

3. "Jack Vance: A Bibliography Compiled by Daniel J.H. Levack," 4 pages

4. "Excerpts from 'The Avatar's Apprentice' in Scroll from the Ninth Dimension" by Jack Vance-short excerpts from The Star King, The Killing Machine, The Palace of Love, The Face and The Book of Dreams-4 pages

5. "A Jack Vance Portfolio" Facsimile black and white illustrations by Virgil Finlay from Vance's Cholwell's Chickens, Abercrombie Station, and The Houses of Iszm.  Other black and white illustration from The Dragon Masters by Jack Gaughan, from The Dying Earth by George Barr, from Sjambak by Virgil Finlay, from The Eyes of the Overworld by Stephen E. Fabian, from Big Planet by Steve Hickman, from Morreion by Stephen E. Fabian, from City of the Chasch by David Ireland, from Green Magic by Lela Dowling and one from Freitzke's Turn by David Russell.

There are also articles by Chuck Miller and Tim Underwood,  Harlan Ellison, Fritz Leiber, and Robert Bloch.  Included is a story "Silence: A Fable" by Edgar Allan Poe plus illustrations from the works of Poe and others.  Information and photographs about memberships, past conventions and awards are among the other items.

This book will be of interest mostly to avid Jack Vance fans.  I'm not sure I would rate "amazing" (a rating of 5) but I "really liked it" so am able to rate it a 4.  Unlike many limited edition or collectible books about Vance, this one was also quite affordable.

OCLC/WorldCat: 270835033 8214064


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